A supportive film for victims of violence and abuse showing the benefits of group work
Together with our friends at Rumpus, we created two films for SARSAS, Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support. The first one promotes their counselling group sessions followed by another film for fundraising.

The Rumpus team approached us with a very well thought out script and we started by thumbnailing options for the storyboard. The first part of the film reflects the fear of joining a group session thinking it would be intimidating.

The second part shows a more cheerful reality of the sessions offered by SARSAS. We wanted to break the stereotype of the daunting group therapy circles by designing a layout that is inclusive, warm, spacious and full of fun activities.

We experimented with different forms for the main character, and a few design options for props in the rooms. Once we set on our main lady, we designed our secondary line up. We played around with hair styles, clothes and skin tones to make them more relatable.

Bringing all these characters to life was our favourite part! Starting with a blue monochrome palette, the colours start to brighten up once we go inside the space. We used contrasting colours to differentiate the expectations of what a support session would be like with the actual ones offered by SARSAS.
This is one of many favourite collaborations with the Rumpus team. We were very proud that the film was later selected for the Public Choice Award in the 2020 British Animation Awards.
Client: Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support (SARSAS)
Direction, Design and Animation: Hend Esmat & Lamiaa Diab
Storyboard: Laura Miranda Moreno
Voice Over: Katy Maw
Production: Rumpus
Creative Producer: Stef Bowskill