A collection of our design contribution for the Sky Kids animated sitcom

Dodo is a heart-warming animated sitcom created and directed by Jack Bennett. We eagerly joined the highly skilled production team at Wildseed Studios to design backgrounds, character sheets, props and 2D effects.

The series follows the daily life of 11 year old boy, Joe Connolly, around his home, neighborhood and secondary school. Under the supervision of the brilliant art director, Louis Neubert, we created some of the background designs for these locations.

As we got to dive into Joe’s imagination quite often in the story, there were some fantasy backgrounds to be designed too, which were so much to make!

We also designed some props, where we created different angles when needed.

Following the excellent main character designs made by Laura Perkins, we created several turnarounds and expression sheets for secondary characters in the show.

In addition to the designs, we got to animate some 2D effects too.

Working across different departments was such a joyful experience.The show was a great success that it picked up for a second season, and got streamed on Cartoon Network and HBO MAX.


Created and Directed by: Jack Bennett

Production: Wildseed Studios

Art Director: Louis Neubert

Lead Character Design: Laura Perkins

Background  Designers: Hend Esmat, Edel Freely

Characters Designers: Lamiaa Diab

FX and Props Designers: Lamiaa Diab, Hend Esmat

Full credits here

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